Steel Alloys:

     Roll on the following chart to know the alloy of steel ore:


%Roll: Steel Alloys:
01-50:   Gage-steel         Bonus damage: None (a weapon made of this steel ore will do normal damage).
51-80:   Shank-steel        Bonus damage: +2
81-95:   Krakkin-steel    Bonus damage: +4
96-00:   Roll again: %Roll: Steel Alloys Cont.:
                                 01-70:   Admontanium-steel    Bonus damage: +6
                                 71-83:   Earthen-steel              Bonus damage: +8
                                 84-90:   Krannik-steel             Bonus damage: +10
                                 91-95:   Starr-steel                  Bonus damage: +12
                                 96-98:   Mystical-steel            Bonus damage: +14
                                 99-00:   Koar-steel
                  Bonus damage: +16


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